Speech Classroom Policies

Speech Classroom Policies 

1.      Be punctual.   It is very important to be in the classroom before the bell rings at the beginning of class, seated with materials ready for use.  If you come in after the bell, here’s what will happen:

1st offense – warning

2nd offense – teacher detention (20 minutes)

3rd offense – teacher detention (30 minutes)

4th offense – office referral, etc.

       2.   Be prepared.  If you are unprepared to begin to work on assigned tasks when the bell rings, your class participation grade will     reflect  this by a deduction of points.  Students should have pencil and paper with them at all times.  Being without the materials necessary for assignments will negatively affect a student’s participation grade.  After the fourth infraction, teacher detention will be assigned and parent will be contacted. 

3.   Be courteous - respect yourself and others. For many people, speaking and performing in front of an audience is a frightening prospect.  In order to reduce stress and increase confidence it is critical that we create a safe and supportive environment.  There should never be any rude comments, unkind remarks or heckling of any sort.  We will all practice respect of others, especially during speeches.


4.   Never chew gum in class.  This is an oral communication class.  You will not be able to speak effectively with foreign objects in your mouth.  Gum-chewers will receive detentions.  Students who attempt to deliver a speech with chewing gum or other foreign objects in their mouths will receive a 10 point deduction for that assignment in addition to detention.


5.   Stay seated.  Do not get up from your seat for any reason without teacher permission.


6.  Be silent.  Never talk while the teacher is talking or a classmate is giving a speech. Raise your hand if you need help with an assignment or have a question.  If I don’t look your way, you may call my name so that I can recognize you and give you permission to speak.

       7.   Stay on task.  Speech class is not study hall.  Anyone doing something other than the teacher-assigned task will lose participation points.  If a student is doing homework for another class, the assignment will be taken up and the teacher will be notified.   If the parent has sent me his/her e-mail as directed in the course syllabus, the parent will be notified immediately by e-mail. 

 8.  All students are required to present their speeches when his or her name is called.  All

written speeches/outlines/projects will be due on the same day.  The order in which a student delivers a speech will be completely random.  Thus, all students must be ready on the first day that speeches are given.


9.  Stay in the Classroom.  Students are allowed to leave my room twice every nine weeks.  Leaving the room to go to the bathroom should be an emergency.  The school provides ample time for students to use the bathroom or get water between classes.  If a student has used his/her two passes out of class, work left in a locker will be considered late. Never ask to leave my room for water if I am teaching.  Only if you have a real bathroom emergency should you ever interrupt my teaching or the student delivery of a speech.  Students should use their agendas for hall passes.


10.  Always make an effort and don’t give up!  The goal for everyone in this class is for each individual to improve his or her communication skills.   If you try you will succeed!